1.10月29日更新! 之前我写的这个答案只是比较笼统的讲了关于澳洲各类签证的申请流程,并没有具体讲每个签证的具体细节和需要准备的材料。所以很多同学还是不太会自己操作。 今天我就把各个签证的细节和需要准备的材料都写明白(包括新签证),同学们可以直接按照我的模板去准备材料和填写表格。
还有的同学担心中英文对照会不会出问题?在这里我可以肯定地告诉大家不会有问题。因为我每次去递交申请的时候都是中文+英文,从来没有出现问题过。而且澳洲移民局的服务人员非常敬业和专业,哪怕你的英语说得再差他们也都能听懂。 所以不要有什么心理负担,放心地去准备吧! 以下是全文分项讲解,请同学们仔细阅读并准备好自己的资料再开始填写。 所有链接我都放在下面了,点击即可直接打开。 注意:目前所有的材料都必须是电子版的,除了护照以外!
一)485 - post study work visa(grant for postgraduate and higher diploma students);
二)189 & 190 - general skilled visa;
三)476 - international graduate coursework visa;
四)482 - temporary skills shortage visa, including 482 STSS & TSS SWS (for employers' sponsored employees), 482 STW WTR (for independent workers who apply at their own efforts after meeting all the eligibility conditions) 和482 TSS-ICT;
六)491-Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme;七)188 A & B VISAS, AND 132 VISA;八)188C VISAS, AND 500 VISAs TO STUDY IN BRISBANE OR SYDNEY! 一、189/190 - 普通技术移民/雇主担保移民
1: Check your age, country of birth or citizenship status on this table before completing form 40; if you need to make an application for a passport under section 3A in relation to that type of passport then go to Passports Australia website and download form PSCF 309 which must be completed by your nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate General.
2: Complete form 41 with information about education and training you have since leaving high school, as well as employment history from last 10 years. If you are applying online using myGov, you will need to provide documents confirming details entered into form 41. You might also be required to verify these details when you visit a Service Provider, depending upon how quickly the Department can process electronic information provided through my Gov account. See section 13 of form 41.
Form 41 should not be returned more than two months prior to date of travel abroad so it would help to know exact departure date approximately one month earlier time.
If possible, keep copies of passports, visas etc so they are ready to upload onto my Gov account during submission stage. It is easier to do everything electronically