

英国政府在2013年1月推出了一种新的签证政策,适用于以工作、自雇或研究为目的申请赴英定居的申请人(此前此类申请的签证叫做“Tier 1”签证)。该新政策把原来“Tier 1”类别下的移民签证分为4个子类别: T1 Work Visa, for those seeking to work in the UK on a sponsored visa;

T1 Student Visa, for international students coming to study at a college or university in the United Kingdom who require sponsorship from a registered educational institution. The student may also have an accompanying dependant or dependants, known as a Tier 4 Dependent Child visa; and

T1 Partner & Dependant visas,for partners/spouses, children under age of18 and other dependents who wish to accompany their sponsor to live with them permanently in the UK;

and Research Immigrant Visas (Tier 2) , for workers in “exceptional talent”, such as Nobel prize winners and actors, or for highly-skilled experts wishing to come to Britain for employment purposes where they cannot find a job here.

The change represents "a major shake up"of immigration rules, according to Home Office spokeswoman。从2013年初开始,在英国所颁发的各类短期和永久性签证都将统一归类到上述四个主类别之下。其中Tier 1子类别的移民签证将被整合入三种主要签证中——“Tier 1 Work Visa”、“Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur programme”以及针对“特殊人才”的“Tier 1 Exceptional Talent”。而原来的Tier 4学生签证则被并入到一个专门面向学生的签证类别(Tier 4)之中。针对“高技术专家”的签证也被整合到了现行工签体系里,即Tier 2签证。



另外,最近据英国《金融时报》的报道说Tier 1和Tier 2这两类签证的申请费用可能在未来将被取消——我估计这是为了吸引更多的优秀人才来英国吧~


这个,你要看看是冻结了还是扣住了 一般冻结的话是可以解冻的(你之前冻结的时候银行有没有说为什么) 如果是扣住的话就不知道咯 但是可以催一下移民局和签证官帮你催要材料 如果他们不给你解冻,你就打国际劳工署的电话投诉吧~ 但如果是你自己弄丢护照啦或者什么的导致不能去工作而签证还在有效期内的,那就是你违约了哦~
