我是2014年去美国旅游签的,当时我是在广州签证的面签过程是这样的: 首先,你需要按照预约的时间提前半个小时到达领馆外的大厅,然后按流程排队取号,我当时是上午的第一批,所以很快就轮到了。
进入领馆后,先到前台把你的护照、身份证、签证照片等资料给她看,并缴纳护照的邮寄费用(这个费用是到领馆领取护照所必须缴纳的),她会把你的资料都录入电脑后,再给你一张纸条(这是你办理签证时的编号),然后你就坐在大厅等叫号就可以了; 大概等了2小时左右我就被叫到51号窗口了,进去之后和签证官进行英文交流,整个过程都是他问你,你只要用英语回答就可以啦!大致内容如下:
V: Where are you going? 我: I'm going to New York. V: Why do you want to go there? 我: Because my friend lives in NY and he invited me over for a visit. Then we can travel around the city together. Also because it is an interesting place to see, with lots of museums & restaurants etc… And then she asked where this friend live ? And how long would I stay? How much will I spend on traveling? Do I have any plan when i goto US? Would I come back china after i finished trip or...etc.
最后我补充说:I was very happy that I could visit some old friends during holiday time as well as taking chance to learn more about other culture/country, It sounds like an exciting experience! Thank you so much again!
PS: 一定要记得把自己说得越普通越好,千万不要说些“高大上”的话哦~这样会容易被签证官怀疑你有移民倾向呢~