

我在网上找了一些,但都太老了,希望有最新版本的雅思口语预测题库的可以给我一份!万分感谢! 我的邮箱:285064538@qq.com 也可以直接私信我~ 之前有小伙伴留言说要雅思口语题库(就是那17类场景和问答话题卡),今天终于把资料整理出来了~ 先来看看题型分析,这是雅思官方出的题目分析,很详细了已经。

Part 1 (30s) 个人基本信息提问。

Part 2(3min) 需要准备2分钟解答。

Part 3(4min) 小辩论,正方反方各2min,然后正反方分别总结。

Part 4(4min) 随机问题,可能难。

P1 P2 P3 都是题库里抽的,基本都有答案。 P4 是没有答案的,要自己准备。 我整理了17个话题卡,每个话题卡里面都有相关的高频词汇,短语和问答范例。 17道题分别是:

Home life Family Relationships Hometown or city you live in Hobbies and interests Descriptions of homes/apartments Lively places nearby Descriptions of cities where people live Furniture at home Descriptive words for the room(s) in your house

Particular areas in your home that are quiet and peaceful The area with most natural light Part of a house that is used the least What do you think about the idea of changing your lifestyle to have a greater impact on the environment? Why might having children be an important part of this change? Can you give some examples of how our lifestyles can affect the environment? Are there any benefits to your lifestyle choice? 可以找到很多类似的题,但是答案不是一成不变的!要学会拓展。 这个话题卡我花了比较多的时间,因为要列举例子。而且尽量举不同的例子,不要总是用同样的素材。
