

我是让我家宝贝参加的这次考试,考试之前看了一下前几次的真题,感觉难度都比较大,所以这次就打算让他放轻松,好好发挥就可以了! 考完之后,他说阅读比较难,其他还好。 我翻了下答案,阅读答案是跟我预测的基本一模一样的,都是新题型和旧题型混合出来的一种很难的题目类型,我让我家宝把题目仔细做完之后,就快速浏览了一遍答案,然后给他讲的解题思路。

听力他感觉没什么难的,就是有一两个空有点不确定。 写作是让他最头疼的,因为一直都练的是小作文,没想到会换成大作文,而且话题是他不熟悉的气候变化,虽然平时也聊了很多关于环保的话题,但是变化趋势这种真的是一点没练呀!急得我在一旁直跺脚……

最后,还是硬着头皮写了,希望有好的分数! 口语是考前两天才准备的,时间真的有点来不及了,不过我家宝向来都是临场发挥很不错的那种,希望今天也能超常发挥吧~



考生反映,12月3日的雅思口语考试的Part 1涉及的话题有:Family、Work、Dogs、Sports、Music、Movies & TV、Interest、Shopping、Food、Study、Friends & Family、Transportation、Social Media等等;Part 2&3问题为:Describe a time when you helped someone with some problems 题库机经题

What are problems that young people will face with?

What does the government need to do?

Do you think one's childhood needs problems?

Do people of different ages need the same amount of help?

Describe a news that you didn't agree with 题库机经题

Where do people often get the news from?

Do people need to know about all the news?

Do you think we should support some news program?

Do you think the future children need to read a newspaper?

Describe a person who makes you feel safe 题库机经题

How important is it to feel safe?

What can make us feel safe?

Do people feel safe in homes nowadays?

Why do people like to stay in their homes?
