美国使馆签证面试中,一般签证官都会先让面试者做下简单的自我介绍,那么这个时候就要注意自己介绍的内容了。 首先要注意自己的发音,尽量用标准的普通话说英语;其次要介绍好自己的名字和年龄,当然还有出生地;还要说清楚去美国的目的、在美国的行程安排等。
其实只要做好充足的面试准备,基本上是不会出现什么大问题哒~ 接下来我们再来看看其他的问题吧! 1. What kind of work do you do? 你做什么工作呢? 这个问题考察的是你的专业水平和去美国读书的必要性哦~
一般来说可以给出以下几个版本的答案: ①I am currently an [job] at [company/university], and my field is [specialty]. 我现在是xxx公司的xx职位。我的研究领域是……(这个版本适合于有正式工作的申请人)
②In college I majored in [speciality], which provided me with a solid foundation for becoming an accountant . As I expected, I have been working as an entry-level accountant since graduation. 大学期间我主修的专业是会计……所以我在毕业后成为了一名入门级的会计师。 这个回答比较适合应届毕业生。
③When I was finishing high school education in China , I got the opportunity to visit many US universities during their open day program , including Cornell University, Columbia University, etc... In these visits I found that one thing in particular caught my attention—the diversity of courses they offer . After careful consideration on what course will best suit my interest and ability, I decided to major in finance and accounting , so now I’m studying in XXXX university. 在中国完成高中阶段的学习后,我有幸参加了包括康奈尔大学等许多美国大学的开放日项目。在这些活动中我了解到了他们对课程的设置是非常多样化的这一点引起了我的兴趣。经过慎重考虑之后,我觉得金融与会计是我感兴趣的学科也是我能学好的学科,所以我决定在美国就读这个专业了。(这个回答就适用于所有申请人啦!)
2. Why are you going back to graduate this time? 为什么这次你要回去读研究生的? 这句话其实就是在考察你去留学的原因是否足够充分,你是否只是把出国作为一种经历而已啊~ 所以一定要好好回答这个问题呀! 这时候就可以从以下几点来回答了:
①After graduating from bachelors degree ,I had worked as a computer programmer for four years, but because some reasons such as boredom and lack of challenge, i didn't enjoy myself anymore. With more knowledge about foreign countries and cultures than before, it attracted me to go abroad for further study,which could provide better environment for self development. 本科毕业以后我工作了四年,但是因为没有挑战性和无趣的工作让我变得不喜欢这种生活状态了。而且国外的文化和知识要比我们国内丰富得多,这让我想去国外深造进一步提升自己。 ②The economy has become quite unstable recently, especially after global financial crisis broke out two years ago ,so job market becomes tighter every year,, therefore higher degrees seems to be essential nowadays . Besides, if i can earn