

我申请的是400学签,17年6月29号递签的 昨天也就是8.31号拿到了签证

当时是电话调查 我在实习所以没有接收到调查电话 所以我是在网上面试的 以下是问答情况

面试官:hello can you hear me?(确认话筒)

我:(确认)yes i can hear you.



A : xxx学校 你现在还在读吗

C: yes I am still studying now at the moment but because my visa is not valid in Australia so every time if they want to do anything they contact with me and send everything by email which I have to print then scan back them as a hardcopy,so it takes long time for me to get things done like lectures ,course material or any other thing that university give to us students from what I understand...…

D: why did you choose this school?

E : Because when I applied for an offer of course firstly they gave me some free trial lessons ,second one was there are many subjects that I wanted to study especially language courses English ,I really need to improve my english level before apply to go work oversea,and third is their classes size not too big ,also very friendly teachers will help us student no matter we are beginner or intermediate level student ,they will spend more time on teaching our problem areas and also encourage us to ask questions even though sometimes its very silly question,but thats good attitude right? That makes me decided to enroll here So those are reasons………

F : And your parents agree with you doing all these changes? (因为我办理的时候我的年龄不够所以父母给我做了担保)

G: Yes they totally approve this decision about going overseas to learn something new ,because learning never stop,when Im in highschool teacher always sayed that although youre leaving school now means maybe your education life end here however your journey towards knowledge starts here ,you can keep yourself updated about technology change etc …it wont be boring just keep open mind,enjoy whatever you gonna met during travel ...And yeah both parent know this world out there very competitive nowadays everyone trying to catch up each others ,if you dont update yourself soon enough people will step ahead away form you,like the saying behind every successful woman has got a strong father figure beside her who push her further along her way into success and happiness.That inspired my


一般就是简单自我介绍,你的个人信息,申请学校的相关信息(为什么选择这所学校)。 一般来讲不会问你很专业的问题的,你大可放心。而且语言上也没什么障碍。只是有时候会有移民局的人用中文和你交流,这时候你要注意听清楚。 如果有不懂的地方就礼貌地提出来,这样能大大提高效率节省时间。如果不懂的话就不要装懂或者乱说。

不要担心会被刁难什么的,他们也是人。只不过工作比较无聊而已,所以有时态度不好也不要生气。只要别和他们对着干就行了。 祝你好运!

