

这个,应该去问你的家庭医生为什么没给你付。 你说的欠费是指自己付的税金部分吗? 如果是的话,我觉得你应该去追讨的是你的税金,让税务局帮你要回来,而不是去医院闹,因为医院也没有权利直接扣你的税金。 至于怎么要回自己的税金,要么自己找税务局磨,让他们帮你催,要么就自己去法院起诉,让法院执行。(不过一般这种民事案件,金额不大的话,法院会建议你们和解,让你少交一些诉讼费。)


另外有一点需要注意,并不是你在澳洲合法工作了一段时间就必然会有Medicare的,这个跟你申请移民签证的时候所提交的资料有关,如果你是通过中介办的,那就让中介给你看一下他为你申请的手续材料,如果是在移民局官网可以查到你的档案记录的,那么就可以确认你是否拥有了Medicare的权利。 如果确实没有Medicare的话,你需要做的就是要自己付所有的医疗费用了。也就是说,你需要自己付税金,然后自己再掏钱看医生。 但实际上,只要你是合法居住并且在合法工作的前提下,你是有资格获得Medicare的,只不过可能需要等上几个月的时间。我遇到过有人等了4个月还没有拿到Medicare的,但因为他在等期间生病了,就又看了一次病,结果后来Medicare还是给了。所以等待的时间其实也不是很漫长。 关于如何获得Medicare,在官网上的解释是:

If you are an Australian resident (with some exceptions*), and have held a Social Insurance number long enough to establish your ‘identity’ with the Department of Human Services, you are generally entitled to Medicare. You must be enrolled in Medicare to access benefits such as free or low-cost doctor visits, hospital treatment, medicines from pharmacists, and mental health care.

The time it takes to process your application depends on when we receive your completed form and supporting documentation. Processing times can vary depending on when you applied. Once processed, we will send you a letter confirming your enrolment. If you apply online for Medicare, you will get an email confirmation that we received your application. We aim to process all applications within 13 weeks. However, this may take longer if we need to check information provided by you or obtain further documents.

*For example, if you were born outside Australia, you were not eligible to join Medicare until your first year of residence in Australia ended. Your first year is usually the year after you arrived in Australia. Or, if you are aged under 16, or are undergoing full-time education at school, college, university or other educational institution, then you are not eligible for Medicare.






