

2017年3月8日更新 2016年底开始,所有非申根国居民申请英国短期(半年内)签证,都必须在签证中心递交材料。中国目前有上海、广州、北京和重庆四个签证中心(西安在2015年开始运行)。请注意,签证中心不受理任何邮寄或代理的申请!!所以如果不在以上城市居住的话,还是找旅行社代签吧....

以下均为旧内容 --------我是神奇的分割线 先放链接: UK Visas and Immigration (官网) UK Visa & Immigration Application Centre (签证中心网站) The British Embassy, Beijing British visa centre in China to open this month The new centres will be opened on March 4th at the address below:

UKVISAS AND IMMIGRATION CHINA (北京英国签证中心) Building #9, Guanghua Road No#20, Chaoyang District ,Beijing Tel:(+86) (10) 6415 5999 Email: beijing@visa-china.gov.uk Opening hours are Monday through Friday from 08:30 until 16:30

In line with our global vision for service, we have developed a simple online system which provides customers with an indication of their journey through each stage of their application for a visa or biometric enrolment: Step by step guidance about the process available here

You must attend us personally when you make your application as all applications require fingerprints to be taken.

Applicants need to bring their own credit card-sized photo, along with passport valid for six months beyond the date of departure from the United Kingdom, and other supporting documents required according to application type. You can find out more information about these requirements using the following links:

Visit UK visas and immigration website

Apply For A Biometrics Residence Permit Online From Inside The Uk Here is some important information regarding your appointment:

When you arrive at the centre, please check that you know where your appointment slot is located within the building. We do not allow latecomers into the building after their designated time slot has passed; If necessary, please provide photographic ID so that we may confirm whether it belongs to the person who requested the appointment. If not, then there won’t be any access granted to that individual

Please ensure that you wear comfortable clothes with no jewellery and long sleeves if possible for taking your photograph as we cannot alter clothing or accessories once they have been photographed; You also shouldn't bring bags big enough to conceal large items such as cameras or other equipment because this might prevent access being given

We advise against


从下飞机到回国,大概14天左右。。。 我是2017年办的英国6个月旅游签证(不是学生签证),当时没有买英航机票所以去不了,后来改成法航。我是在北京签的,在沈阳机场入境(辽宁)然后坐了5个多小时的大巴到了上海,在上海虹桥机场附近住了一晚,第二站就到杭州西湖和乌镇游玩了两三天,之后乘飞机回到深圳机场,又花了将近一个月的时间办理签证,期间还因为航班取消了两次,分别改签了香港和广州的班机,最终于8月31日到达伦敦。

9月2日上午在肯尼迪机场入关时遇到了麻烦,被海关问了一大堆问题(之前已经做了许多准备工作),幸好有惊无险,顺利出了海关并取回行李;下午来到希斯罗机场办值机手续,一切都很顺利,晚上登上了飞往英国的航班…… 在飞机上我一直在想:“希望能在英国平安地呆上6个月而不是被迫离开” 现在距离第一次来英伦已经是三年多了,我的签证还有一个月就到期了!现在正在考虑要不要申请永居。总之感觉这趟旅行还是很值得的~~
