

我是昨天考,本来之前准备A类的,但是临考前两天突然想到自己申请的学校要求可以接受G类(真的是被自己蠢哭),所以去考试的时候带了两张作文草稿纸。。。 听力部分:感觉跟我之前练的题目差不多,就是语速有点快,我有两三个空没听清所以填了一样的答案(我真的不想这样做!可是我实在听不清啊!) 阅读部分:题目都很简单,我考试的时候时间很充裕,所以我全部看完了,都是选择题我觉得应该满分妥妥的吧(▼皿▼#) 写作部分:我也是醉了,我的大作文题目是我觉得应该准备的一个话题,小作文是准备了题型的,但是我写完整个试卷我看到时间还剩20分钟(ーー。) 所以我紧急改了一下一篇作文的主题和开头结尾,硬着头皮上考场了.

结果两个作文完型填空全对(真的全对喔~) 我也是醉了。因为准备的不够充分而且时间特别紧迫,所以在答题的过程中我有点慌乱并且错误率很高 (・ิϖ・ิϖ) 希望小伙伴不要学我。下次一定好好准备。




You are now going to answer some questions about the topic of ‘last’ in your own country. After you have given your opinion, please say why you think that, and give me examples from your own experience, ok?

In your opinion, who in your country should care more about saving energy for future generations: the government or individuals? Why?

Well, we’ve actually had big problems recently about energy; our government is being accused of not spending enough money on renewable sources. I think that if someone doesn’t take control, then we’ll run out of energy pretty soon so I’d definitely say the government should be doing more. I think that if they tried a bit harder to teach people about energy consumption then I’m sure some people would start changing their habits. Of course, individuals do have a part to play but I just can’t see people being willing to make big changes without being told to do that by the government!

How do you think this could be done?

Well, I honestly believe that big companies and corporations should be given laws about how much energy they can use. Obviously, there have to be some exceptions but generally I think this would make a big difference. Another thing they could do is spend more of their big budgets on wind-farms, solar power and things like that. That would help a lot! In addition to this, they should spend some of that money on TV commercials about how everyone can save energy at home and in the workplace.

Do you think people are becoming more aware of global warming these days?

Yeah, absolutely. When I was a kid I don’t think we even heard about it. Since I’ve been older, say from age 12, I’ve heard more about it and the more I learn, the more scared I get about the future. This year alone, we’ve had loads more rain and freezing cold weather in my country and the news is calling us a ‘greenhouse’. It’s terrible!

How does your country compare to other countries in terms of carbon emissions?

I’m not exactly sure but I think one of the reasons we are so bad for the environment is because we live on an island and we rely on a lot of boat traffic, which uses so much oil. So I think we’re not as bad as countries with big cars and factories but we’re still really high on the worldwide scale I’ll bet.
