

这个“矿”字可有意思了,我猜答主大概是想知道“挖矿”这个词的英文翻译是什么吧。 那我就来说说这个问题。(先声明一点,由于谷歌翻译太流氓,故所有例句均取自必应。)

1. 考古学方面: archeology n. [-logy] the study of ancient human life and cultures through the study of their material remains 例: The site was first discovered by an archaeological team in 2005. 该遗址于 2005 年由一个考古队首次发现。

2. 偷税漏税方面: tax evasion n. 逃避纳税 the illegal avoidance or nonpayment of taxes 例: Companies are trying to avoid paying tax on profits made from foreign subsidiaries. 公司正在试图避免缴纳从国外子公司获得的利润税款。

3. 比特币等加密货币方面: cryptocurrency n. 加密货币 a digital currency that uses cryptography for security 一系列使用密码技术的数字货币。 例: Bitcoin has been compared with other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Ripple. 比特币和以太坊以及瑞波币等其他加密货币进行了比较。

4. 挖矿方面: mining n. (电子)采矿 the act of extracting something valuable from its natural source 例: Solar power could be used to mine bitcoin. 太阳能可以用于比特币的开采。

5. 搜寻、发掘(历史文物的)方面: excavation n. 挖掘;发掘 the act of digging up; the thing that is dug up 例: Archaeologists have begun an excavation at the possible Roman villa site. 考古学家已经开始挖掘可能属于罗马别墅遗址的地方。

6. 金矿开采方面: gold mining n. 采金;提炼金 the process of removing raw gold from the ground and refining it into gold bullion. 例: The bank said it would invest $50 million over five years in new technology to boost gold mining and processing. 该行表示,将在未来五年投资 5000 万美元用于新技术,以提高黄金开采和加工能力。



