

RCA一共有5个学院,分别做不同的教学和研究项目 其中设计学院(Design)下面又有4个小院 每个小学院再细分不同的专业 Design Communications 设计传播Design Products 设计产品Design Services 设计服务Innovation Design 创新设计Interiors 室内环境The Royal College of Art is the largest and oldest independent art school in the UK. The college provides education, research and consultation opportunities across 30 academic departments.

In January every year RCA decides what new subjects will be taught the following September. This process can lead to some exciting innovations in the subject mix that are built around emerging trends or needs on the design-led economy 2017/18 saw a big expansion for MA fashion at RCA with five new courses being offered alongside the existing two MAs. In addition to these there were also six new short courses offered by the University's Design School

Here are the different programs we offer: 作品集要求: 服装设计需要准备的作品集案例我放在这篇知乎文章里啦↓
