

最近很多同学在问,雅思口语考试的时候考官都会问些什么问题呢?下面我给大家看一下我在2019年1月份最新一次的雅思口语考试中遇到的问题~ 考题:你喜欢哪种音乐?为什么? 考鸭问答: 这个题真的好简单!只要不说你最讨厌的或者不敢爱的音乐就可以了(比如惊悚片、暴力美学电影……)。 我喜欢听各种风格的歌曲,流行、摇滚、古典、爵士等等。

我之前练习的时候准备了好多话题,比如说“我最喜欢的乐队”“我最喜欢的歌手”还有“我最喜欢的唱片”等等。但是真的到了考场上看到题目那一刻起,我突然灵光一现想到一个点——我最喜欢周杰伦!!(因为杰伦是我最喜欢的歌手也是我练了很久的话题了)所以我赶紧把自己准备的题库中关于“最爱的歌手/乐队”的问题用到的答案替换成了“我最喜欢的歌手是谁”然后灵光一现想到《稻香》这首歌,遂回答道: “My favorite artist is Jay Chou. His songs are really inspiring to me and his way of describing love on his albums reminds me so much of my past experiences with good people in my life. One song that represents him and my feelings towards him the most would be ‘Fancy’ because it combines all these elements I mentioned before like inspiration, love story and happiness. In this song he talks about a girl who makes him feel fancy and how she inspires him to be better every day. To me, he is not just a musician but also an inspiration for young people like us. We can relate to his stories and we know what he means by saying ‘you will know if you read between the lines'(laugh) 所以我最后拿到的成绩是8分! 所以同学们一定要记住,回答问题要根据自己的真实经历来回答,不要背模板!否则就会像我一样惨不忍睹……
